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Research Summary
Skepticism and scientific literacy.
Courses & Teaching
Biology for non-science majors; anatomy and physiology for nursing students; biochemistry; molecular genetics labs.
I have been teaching human anatomy and physiology as well as pathophysiology since I left UVic in 1985. I taught these courses to nursing students at Northwest Community College, Selkirk College, Okanagan College/Okanagan University College — what is now UBC Okanagan. Over my 25 years of teaching post-secondary biology, I have taught labs and lectures in many, many different courses but my heart has always been with first-year A&P. I am currently interested in how critical thinking skills affects students’ ability to learn difficult scientific concepts and their success in university in general. I write a monthly column on skepticism in the Kelowna Courier and participate in many national and international groups promoting skepticism and critical thinking.
MSc University of Victoria
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
In 2011, Professor Nilson was made an Advisory Fellow of the Centre for Inquiry, a national organization that promotes and advances reason, science, secularism, and freedom of inquiry in all areas of human endeavor. She writes a monthly column titled “Okanagan Skeptic” in the Kelowna Daily Courier.